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The Choice Is Yours

If you believe America should be ruled by white Christians, as it was for most of its history,

Then vote for Trump.

If you believe the Department of Justice should become the Department of Revenge,

Then vote for Trump.

If you believe voting should be restricted to true Americans, specifically white Christians,

Then vote for Trump.

If you believe entitlements, such as Social Security and Medicare, are a socialism that needs to be stopped,

Then vote for Trump.

If you believe this country should be run for the benefit of the top one percent,

Then vote for Trump.

If you believe a woman should have no control over her reproductive system, including abortion and birth control,

Then vote for Trump.

If you believe all immigrants are a threat to this country and will dilute true American blood,

Then vote for Trump.

If you are motivated by fear,

Then vote for Trump.


If you believe “all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain inalienable rights,”

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe, women should have access to reproductive care, including abortion and contraception,

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe that a lifetime of paying into a system entitles people to Social Security and Medicare,

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe Americans loyal to this country come in all shades and genders, most of whom arrive speaking a language other than English, like most of our ancestors did,

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe immigrants who want to live in peace and build good lives for themselves and their children should be welcomed,

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe in this Republic and that voting is the right of all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion,

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe the Department of Justice should be independent and go after people accused of crimes, such as Donald Trump and Hunter Biden,

Then vote for Joe Biden.

If you believe everyone in this country deserves a fair opportunity to build a good life for themselves and their families, not just the rich and entitled,

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe in “We the people” and not “we the oligarchs,”

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe that America does not have to be made great again, because it never stopped being great,

Then vote for Biden.

If you believe in hope,

Then vote for Biden.

The choice is clear.

The choice is yours.

For more, go to

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