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Marriages Made of Money

I read an article this week about young women seeking a life of ease. They make themselves as beautiful as they can and seek out older men who have money to provide the lifestyle they want.

That lifestyle includes not having to work, especially not pursuing a career.

A marriage made in money.

The fact that such women are worth a news story says a lot about how far women in this society have come. They still have a long way to go but a great deal of progress has been made in the last 70 or so years. This society benefits when all people have an equal chance to create the lives they want.

Women are no longer “property” who can’t own things in their own names, can only access credit through their husbands and are severely limited in the jobs and careers they can have.

I always thought the goal of feminism was not only to bring equality to women, but also allow them to choose the kind of life they want. That goes for men as well. If the male part of a couple chooses to be a househusband, that should not draw criticism.

Having said that, I will not pretend to understand women who want to be in a sense “trophy wives” or the men who would marry such women.

Do those couples really love each other? Like each other? Can they be friends? Or is it just a woman who wants an easy life and a man who wants a wife who will look good on his arm and be compliant?

I know from personal experience being married to a lady who is not dependent on me for her own sense of self and self-worth, who has a brain she uses and a career she worked in for 37 years that being with such a wife is a lot of fun. You have a partner to share problems with and the happy times. You have someone to talk things through, to make decisions with. Someone who will tell you when you have a really stupid idea (which happens more times than I care to admit).

I don’t understand men who want someone who never uses her brain and just follows orders.

As for such women, I don’t understand not wanting to be an independent person. But that is their choice.

I would offer this one cautionary note: If you marry a guy who is just looking for a beautiful wife, with whom he doesn’t have a real conversation, can you be sure that in 10 or 15 years he won’t decide to trade you in for a new model?

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