If someone on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania calls for the murder of all Jews, the university can do nothing about that because it is protected speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. So saith Elizabeth Magill, Penn’s president.
Say what?
A 1969 U.S. Supreme Court ruling held that speech can be limited when “such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action." That is why Donald Trump is facing charges for what happen January 6 when he encouraged his followers to head for the Capital when Congress was counting votes from the Electoral College.
Anyone who tells a crowd that all Jews should be killed in such a way that it leads to action is liable to face criminal charges.
It’s also just in bad taste.
And that goes for anyone who advocates killing Moslems, African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians or anyone else, for that matter. Yes, even, white people.
Besides, universities have codes of conduct students have to agree to follow when they enroll. If they break those rules, they face discipline up to and including expulsion.
Are we to believe U of Penn has no rules against calling for genocide? Or perhaps it is just genocide of Jews that is exempted from the rules.
What would happen to a male student who advocated raping all women? Somehow, I don’t think he would stay enrolled very long.
Mass murder apparently isn’t as serious.
Go figure.