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  • williamblocher

If You Were Israel?

Israel is confronting two bad choices.

On the one hand, it could bow to international pressure and not invade Gaza, sparing civilian casualties there and, perhaps, getting the hostages back. The downside is that Israelis probably will not want to live in the south of their country. Who would want to risk a repeat of Oct. 7 when hundreds were slaughtered, including infants and young children, and old people, women were raped and then murdered or taken captive. Not invading Gaza would also put a target on every Israelis back as a potential victim or hostage – it would be open season on Jews. Israel would be failing its primary obligation of protecting its citizens and its sovereignty.

Or Israel could invade Gaza, which would undoubtedly result in civilian casualties which Hamas is counting on because it would bring the wrath of the world down on Israel. Israel would be accused of war crimes and being inhumane by causing human suffering among the civilian population, especially the children. This is part of Hamas playbook, and perhaps the terrorists are counting on it, because that organization has a long history of using Gaza’s civilians as human shields, first attacking Israel and then decrying the deaths of civilians as Israel responds by striking Hamas targets that have been placed in residential areas, schools, hospitals and mosques. What Israel gains is safety for its citizens and showing its adversaries that they cannot attack and slaughter Israel civilians without consequences. Israel would make the punishment fit the crime, and then some.

If it was your decision, what would you do?

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