Those evil radical leftists and Democrats are trying again to derail the sainted Donald Trump’s ascendency to the highest office of the land.
What, you may ask, is this desperate ploy by haters of our nation planning to do?
Glad you asked. They have arranged for the coldest Inauguration Day since 1985 when Ronald Reagan began his second term.
These evil haters are bringing in an artic cold front to D.C. with temperatures in the 20s when the great Trump takes the oath of office from the election he legitimately won in November, unlike that travesty in 2020 when the election was stolen depriving us of The Donald’s wisdom and truth telling.
The evil Democrats and Antifa hope to keep the crowds small, depriving President Trump of the triumph he so richly deserves. But no worries, he see the largest crowd ever even if its not there.
And, no doubt, they hope the cold will make our great president ill, perhaps sick enough to die. They want to recreate 1841 a frigid Inauguration Day in Washington when President William Henry Harrison contracted pneumonia and then died soon after.
A fantastic plot?
Never underestimate the evil intentions of the radical left communists.
And if this isn’t true? Just the weather being the weather?
Who cares? Believe it anyway. It’s all in the service of the American Oligarchy.