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  • williamblocher

Trumps Plan to End America

Trump wins, America falls.

Donald Trump has already started on the path to bring down our country. He has gotten his Republican MAGA minions to block aid to Ukraine. The only one who wins is Putin in his drive to recreate the Russian Empire of the Czars.

The former president who wants to return to power has made it clear that he wants to withdraw America from the world stage – and stage on which we have been the star attraction since World War II. The United States has made serious missteps in the year since but by and large, major dictators such as Hitler and Stalin have been held at bay.

Trump would change all that.

If he regains the White House, Putin will be free to run wild. He can incorporate the Balkin states—Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia—back into the Russian Empire. Finland may not be far behind for re-incorporation, as well as Poland. With the United States on the sidelines, Europe may not be in a position to oppose Russia. The new empire will thus have gained a dominant position among some of our major trading partners and be in a position to reduce our trade with them.

Then there is China. Xi covets Tawain, and with good reason. Taking that island means taking control of a, if not the, major source of crucial computer chips. That would put China in a position to control major computer hardware advances. And, again, with the United States on the sidelines, China would be able to dominate Asia, including our major trading partners there, and perhaps become the major player in Latin America and Africa where it is already making headway.

And without American support, can the fall of South Korea to the North be far behind?

With China and Russia in dominant positions in Europe and Asia, and with Iran exerting its power in the Mideast—and thus threatening Israel’s existence if not ensuring Israel’s destruction, and a new Holocaust—the world with turn its back on America, which can no longer be counted on for support.

Our trade will plummet, because China will be in control of world trade now, thus unraveling our economy. With the loss of that trade, we will no longer be able to sustain our deficit, a deficit Trump and the Republicans had a major hand in growing through ill-considered tax cuts to benefit the rich and corporations. Since they won’t raise revenue through taxes on the rich and corporations, they’ll have to cut spending.

The Conservative’s hatred of Social Security and Medicare will make them easy targets for elimination, thus throwing millions of senior citizens into poverty and depriving them the essential medical care they depend on for survival. Drugs will be out of reach because all limits on their cost will be removed in the name of capitalism.

Programs that help feed children and house people on the lower end of the economic ladder will also be on the chopping block. Hunger and poverty will spread rapidly.

Can programs for veterans be spared? Good question.

With the loss of business and the loss of government spending on programs that not only help people but pump billions into the economy, the middle class will become an endangered species as millions are forced into poverty.

As for the rich, they will no doubt be living securely in walled compounds protected by armed guards. Their children will go to private schools and attend the few universities that survive the end of federal aid to college students.

But there is a bright side: Our economic fall with end the immigration problem.

Afterall, who would want to come to a country locked in poverty and where hope is only a memory?


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