Whether it intended to or not, the U.S. Supreme Court has given Donald Trump a blank check to do what he wants should he win in November.
Which he will, given the debate in which President Biden acted the part of a doddering old man unable to answer questions coherently. He isn't, but he came across that way.
President Biden’s ego will probably turn the country over to a would-be autocrat who now sees himself as exempt from all criminal liability for anything he does as president.
A President Trump will see himself as above the law, free to do whatever he pleases to reshape not only the federal government but America itself. We won’t need Congress, really, because a president who is above the law doesn’t have to pay attention to
The country’s only hope for avoiding this fate is for Biden to get over himself and withdraw. Before the debate, he was already facing problems because of his age, with a vast number of people doubting his ability to handle a second term.
And he gave them even more evidence of that during the debate, during which he was sometimes incoherent and repeatedly missed opportunities to refute Trump’s lies.
And lie Trump did. He lied about Social Security. He lied about immigrants. The list goes on.
Trump has proven himself as a master of “The Big Lie.” That’s a term coined by Adolph Hitler in the 1920s. His point was that if you tell a big enough lie, loud enough and keep repeating it people will begin to believe it.
The 2020 presidential election was stolen. He started that lie before the election even took place. And despite no evidence that the election was stolen, he keeps repeating the lie. The question: If the Democrats stole the presidential election, why don’t they have a majority in the House and a larger majority in the Senate? After all, if you are going to steal the government, why not steal the whole government?
And that is exactly what Trump and his minions on the far right are planning to do by changing the rules, going back to the old spoils systems where loyalists populated the bureaucracy, much to the detriment of the country as a whole. Trump will weaponize the Justice Department. He’s been accusing Biden of doing just that, again with no proof. But the Big Lie has done its work, allowing Trump to do just that.
If Trump wins, it will largely be due to Biden’s ego.
If Biden really has the country’s welfare at heart, he’ll step aside and let the Democrats field a candidate who can beat Trump. Someone who can inspire people to go to the polls to vote. Biden can no longer do that with enough people to win.
For more, go to williamblocher.com