The First Amendment is tricky. Many people believe it should protect a person from any blowback no matter what they say.
It doesn’t. It never was intended to.
All it does is put limits on the government.
Some pro-Palestinian folks in the United States are finding that out as they face blowback from speaking out.
People should remember that support for the Palestinian people does not necessarily translate to support for Hamas or the disgusting horror they unleashed on the Israeli people. Of course, accusing Israel of genocide is absurd on its face. It is Hamas who started this war by slaughtering Israeli civilians. It is Hamas who has shown no interest in protecting the civilians under its rule. It is Hamas who has a history of imbedding itself among the civilian population. All the blood that has been shed on both sides in on Hamas’ hands. None of these Palestinian deaths who have happened had not Hamas attacked Israeli civilians.
But, again, wanting humanity aid to reach the civilians in Gaza and wanting to protect civilian life, perhaps especially those of the children, is not necessarily support of terrorism.
For instance, I am a Jew. I support Israel’s right to survive unconditionally. But I oppose the policies of the Netanyahu government. In my opinion, they are short sighted and destructive of any chance of peace with the Palestinian people. Instead of ignoring them and their concerns, he needs to talk honestly with those who want peace.
Hamas is not among those. They just want to destroy Israel. You can’t negotiate with someone who just wants to kill you. They are the ones committing genocide as they showed when they slaughtered hundreds of unarmed civilians.
But I digress.
Americans who advocate for protecting civilians in Gaza, who want humanitarian aid to reach them should not face blowback. I think, though, their anger is misdirected. It is Hamas that needs to feel the pressure to protect the civilians who are supposed to be under their care. It is the Egyptians who are refusing to open the Rafa gate to allow civilians to flee to safety.
Israel, on the other hand, has shown concern for protecting civilian life, even in Gaza. The problem is Israel, like any nation, has to protect its own people first. And to do that, the Israeli Defense Force has to go after Hamas. To ask Israel not to do that is to ask that nation to allow the slaughter of its civilians to go unpunished.
No nation will do that. The United States certainly didn’t after 9/11. We invaded Afghanistan because it would not turn over Osama bin Laden.
So please, don’t attack people who just want to protect life. But, please, know who is at fault and direct your anger at the people causing the problem.