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Bible: Abortion Is Not Murder


For those of you who claim abortion is murder, the Bible disagrees with you.

Sorry about that, but it does.

In Exodus, chapter 21, verse 22, an English translation reads: “If men shall fight and they collide with a pregnant woman and she miscarries, but there was no fatality, he shall surely be punished as the husband of the woman shall cause to be assessed against him, and he shall pay it by order of the judges.”

The key is the phrase: “there was no fatality” even though a miscarriage was involved. Abortion apparently wasn’t a thing, or I suspect that would have been addressed as well. What is obvious, though, is that an unborn child is not protected by either punishment for causing a human death.

But the important thing is that the man who collided with the woman is not charged with either murder or involuntary manslaughter. In the first case, the death penalty is required, and in the second, exile in one of the cities of refuge until the death of the high priest.

In fact, the passage goes on to say in the next verse, “But if there is a fatality then you shall award a life for a life.” That fatality can only be the death of the woman since the Bible has already established the unborn child’s loss is not murder.

Now, I have heard some people quote other scriptures. One favorite is Jeremiah 1:5 in which God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” What is usually left out is the rest of the phrase: “(B)efore you were born, I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” The passage is talking about Jeremiah, and it is poetic language.

If you want to oppose abortion on moral or ethical grounds, believe it is a sin, or resort to dubious scientific claims, fine.

But if you’re using the Bible, pay attention to its rulings. 

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