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  • williamblocher

A Plot Is Revealed


"We have bad news.

"Our investigative team recently intercepted a secret message sent by the Democratic Party to far-Left activists across the country, and what we discovered was truly shocking.

Apparently, the folks at the National Republican Senate Committee have been living under a rock. They recently sent out an email “unmasking” Michelle Obama’s secret plan to interfere with the 2024 presidential election by keeping Donald Trump off state ballots. They copied an email in which Mrs. Obama is encouraging people to sign petitions to keep Trump off the ballot.

I am astounded: The NRSC needed investigators to discover this?

Of course, petitions can be dangerous: A person could get a paper cut. Or, what's worse, they may even have an impact.

Mrs. Obama’s involvement with this “plot” is about as secret as the location of the Super Bowl. And if you don’t know where that is, you may be under the same rock as the NRSC, or perhaps the one next to it.

Perhaps that’s the NRSC’s problem: They haven’t been paying attention. But, come on guys, who needs a special investigative team to know that people all over the country are trying to keep Trump off the ballot. Mrs. Obama just happens to be one of the more prominent ones.

And you can hardly call it a “plot” when it involves court cases and petitions.

The “plot,” if there was one, was the efforts of Trump et al to overturn the 2020 presidential election by any means necessary, including violence.

If you want to worry about plots, worry about that one. Worry about what Trump will encourage his minions to do should he lose in November.

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